
New Book Marketing Tools for Authorpreneurs

By: Grace Allison, Author and Modern Mystic

Do you have a book marketing plan? Here are new publishing tools for you.

In the 1980’s I was a sales representative for voicemail. In those days people relied on pink slips for messages. Phone tag took days to connect with the person you wanted to talk to. So when I told people about voicemail they gave me the “huh” look. Send a letter with my voice why would I want to do that. We have come a long way from the pink slips. With voicemail technology, I taught people how to communicate with each other. Today, thirty years later the residential real estate brokers in Dallas, Texas are still using the voicemail technology to connect with their agents.

To be successful Authorpreneurs we should embrace new social media marketing tools with gusto rather than fear them.

I am an author that began my self-publishing career in 2004 with Authorhouse with Amazon as my store. The sales of my book, “A Dream is a Wish the Heart Makes” did not do well. The marketing tools available through Authorhouse were expensive and did little in return.

Earlier in 2016, I joined www.AuthorU.org , a non-profit membership community of authors, writers and publishers to learn new ways of publishing.

www.Bublish.com is  new publishing technology for authorprenuers who want to connect their books to readers.  Author U presented Bublish in an on-line webinar in summer of 2016. Like voicemail, which was the new technology of its day, I saw Bublish as the new technology for reaching buyers and readers. I purchased a one-year subscription immediately.

The set-up of the dashboard is very easy. I found you could download your book or write it on the Bublish dashboard. When you complete your book you can download it into an epub. The next step was to capture a few paragraphs of a chapter to create a book bubble. Then, I could add a short paragraph of how I came to write the chapter. With a push of a button, the chapter bubble and personal bubble were live.

Next, are connections to social media, Facebook, Twitter and a place where you can send people an email to have them follow your book bubbles. When you publish a new book bubble, it automatically goes to your followers.

You can tweet your bubbles and share them on Facebook. I added www.Tweepsmap.com to my marketing plan.  Tweepsmap is an on-line social media marketing company that sends your tweets deep in Twitter with analytics that drives your publishing, including a tweet scheduler and powerful direct message campaigns.

I attach a tweet of my book bubble of my books with a copy of the cover on Tweepsmap and schedule daily tweets.

On the dashboard of Bublish are three windows, one that shows how many people have read your book bubble, the date and which social media source it came from. In addition, how many people have read your profile. The last window is for Conversions. Bublish has a connection to bookstores  Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Smashwords, and anywhere you have set you book up to be purchased. The Conversion window tells you how many people went to look at your book on the on-line bookstore. They could have purchased the book at the same time.

The Bublish dashboard also has a synopsis of your book, your profile, and a link to your author page.

In the last six months, I have had 26,000 people read my book bubble for my fiction sci-fi thriller book, “Einstein’s Compass: a Novel of What If” that has not come out yet. In addition, I am having sales on my non-fiction self-help book, “A Dream is a Wish the Heart Makes” and second non-fiction book, “Do You Have a Dream?”.

Bublish sends out an email to authors on Friday that says if you have a new book bubble by the weekend they will push out your book bubbles on social media that weekend.

To me Bublish is the new technology for Authorprenuers. It is the best marketing value for social media book promoting and selling.

Do you still have pink slips to call someone back? With the new communication technology, we have come a long way. Do you consider yourself a good marketer for your books? If not, Bublish will help you. Through AuthorU, I keep up to date with the latest in publishing tools to become an even better authorpreneur.  Bublish delivers a vehicle giving me the boost on the social media internet highway. Tweepsmap the rocket to drive my tweets deeper into cyberspace.

Grace is a self-help motivational speaker and award winning author who has assisted hundreds discover their spiritual power in order to meet their everyday.

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Grace Allison
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