
Funk Soul Cafe Blogtalkradio Interview

GraceTheMystic Funk Soul Cafe Interview

The interview with Robert Batista the Funky Writer who conducted the interview covered my writing life and books, writing craft, book design, publishing and marketing.

Why do you call yourself a Modern Mystic?

First of all a mystic to me does not include astrology or tarot cards or living in a cave somewhere. Being a modern mystic means experiencing the transcendental love of God who has a job, a family and does community service. When challenges in life come up, I have learned to go inside to the spiritual heart, which is inside everyone and through spiritual exercises and meditation, I have learned how to direct my life in a more positive direction using wisdom and discernment.How did you decide to write your first award winning spiritual non-fiction book, “ A Dream is a Wish the Heart Makes”?

In 1989 I began writing my book, “A Dream is a Wish the Heart Makes, or if at first you don’t succeed, change the rules” after I was diagnosed with cervical cancer.

The night after receiving the diagnosis I called in the Light and found myself touching the hem of Jesus’s cloak. I knew I would be healed from this life-threatening disease because of my faith in God, and Jesus Christ. The night before surgery I sat in my bed seeing the doctors and myself in loving light. While deep in meditation and prayer I was lifted out of my body into a ball of pure love and light. The next day after a hysterectomy when the biopsies came back there was no cancer.

But, without hormones, my body began to change. I had no energy I lost my high-pressure sales job and felt depressed. My life priorities became to take care of myself. Then I asked myself, if I had all the health and energy possible what would I be doing with my life? I began to write and clear old mental, emotional and unconscious habits with forgiveness and compassion. Each day for the next 30 days, I wrote my intentions to receive with an open heart.

I wanted to make a difference assisting others who could be experiencing life challenges. I became licensed as a hair analysis specialist using diet, supplements and my new techniques of intention to create a better life.  In the twenty-five years serving as a health and wellness coach I have assisted hundreds in creating healthier, happier lives

 Why did you write your second award-winning book, “Do You Have a Dream?”

Since my first book and working with many people over the years I wanted to update the information. I found there are 5 Keys to the change process. Within those 5 keys came 140 insights into creating a new direction. “Do You Have a Dream” is an E Book and an audio book in my voice. In a few weeks, there will be the 5 Key Do You Have a Dream Workbook. The softcover will be available with the E Book and audio-book in the on-line bookstores. In “The 5 Key Do You Have a Dream Workbook”, you will discover how to:

Key 1 – Write your dream.

Key 2 – Align your body, mind and soul.

Key 3 –  Forgive.

Key 4 – Affirm who you are

Key 5 – For the next thirty days’ practice writing and realizing your dream.

 I understand you are writing a new science-fiction thriller, “Einstein’s Compass: a Novel of What If”. Tell us about that. Why write this book?

I have always thought of Einstein as a fascinating person. In reading about him, I discovered Einstein was a spiritual person whose father gave him a compass that sent him on his scientific journey. So I asked myself the what if question.

Since Einstein seemed to be a spiritual person on a quest to understand the universe, what if he was a modern mystic in his time?

Moreover, what if he had help from spiritual beings to understand the universe?

Through physics, he found his answers. My book of fiction follows his biographical history from age six to twenty-six and adds a new level of mystical spirituality that he had help from mystical beings who assisted him in his heroes’ journey and his miracle theory. Einstein believed that we have to go beyond what we can see and measure in the physical world. My book, “Einstein’s Compass” goes beyond what we know and adds a possible fictional explanation for how he came up with his miracle theory and changed the world.

The reason I am sharing about my new book of fiction is that you can follow the new book chapters on Bublish.com. Einstein’s Compass Book on Bublish you will find book bubbles of chapters of the upcoming book. Over 35,000 people have read the book bubbles on social media since last summer.

Who is your co-author Laren Bright? Laren is an Emmy nominated award-winning writer.

Laren and I have been friends for more than forty years. We met in Miami, Florida. Over the years of meeting at spiritual seminars through “The Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness” we are writing “Einstein’s Compass: a Novel of What If” which we plan to release later in 2017.

What is your next novel about?

Laren and I are considering a “What If” series. We could start with a person or an event that is well known to a wide range of people and ask What If?

Grace Allison
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