
Review of Einstein’s Compass a YA Time Traveler Adventure – 4 out of 4 Stars

Review of Einstein’s Compass
Post by Jessie Gus » 22 Mar 2022, 19:20

[Following is a volunteer review of “Einstein’s Compass” by Grace Blair.]
Book Cover
4 out of 4 stars
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Join a young Albert Einstein on his fantastical journey. It all begins when young Albert’s father gives him a compass. Little did his Father know the jewel encrusted compass would take Albert far away in place and time. With guidance from Johann, Albert’s best friend, they discover the secrets of the remarkable compass, not only the help it can be, but also the hidden peril it carries. Albert is experiencing what he believes are vivid dreams where he speaks with brilliant thinkers of the past but, are they just dreams? Is he truly seeing and speaking with them? Accompany him into the realms of myth, legend, and prophets. What do the Shamir Stone, the Firestone, a dragon, Moses, alien DNA and Akhenaten have to do with Albert? Will he ever rid himself of Raka, the evil force pursuing him? How is he connected to this Raka and why does he hunt him? All of this, and much more, awaits you in this mesmerizing tale of fiction.

Together, Grace Blair and Laren Bright have produced an outstanding work that binds many diverse elements into a cohesive tale. They have made an easy flowing piece with a unique way of looking at the world. Their use of guides and/or prophets adds a new dimension. I like the small details, like Albert putting on his lederhosen and the way his music makes him feel. The dragon is a creative touch that should not work, but the authors skillfully make it suit the story. I also enjoyed the evolving trail of his theories. The picture of young Einstein that they paint is faithful to the non-fiction books that I have read about his habit and quirks.

The only two drawbacks to this work; were few font size problems that might be due to transferring the work to Kindle, and I would have liked to know more about how the compass was made.

I give the book 4 out of 4 stars. Einstein’s Compass A Ya Time Traveler Adventure certainly earns it. The use of historically accurate culture and the start of the Nazi political machine are spot on. The addition of charters is almost seamless, never leaving one to wonder where that person came from.

I would recommend this book not only for young adult readers and for people who enjoy a fictional tale with a little fantasy thrown in. This is a splendid book for those that are young of heart.

Grace Allison
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