
Why I Write What I Write: Self-Help Books That Saved My Life – by Grace Allison

Writing and self-publishing books can change lives – including that of their author. US indie author Grace Allison describes herself as “a prime example of someone who pulled herself up by her bootstraps and took notes along the way”. When she turned to writing, she chose subjects that she was intimately familiar with, and their scope is surprising. Over to Grace to explain precisely why she writes what she writes…

I’m not sure why other people write self-help books, but I wrote mine to save my life. I was struggling with what was going on around me and inside me. I was unhappy, and I knew there had to be more: more joy, more happiness, more fulfillment.

Having been raised by abusive parents—an angry alcoholic father and a mentally ill, eventually suicidal mother, I was put in charge of her three siblings when I was only ten years old. My life was bleak and devoid of friends or any kind of social life. I ran away and married at sixteen, managing to find a husband who was just as abusive as my father. After divorcing, I found another husband to “rescue” me, but he was essentially a replica of the first.

The Turning Point

Ultimately escaping a second dysfunctional marriage, I decided that if I was going to be rescued, I would have to be the one to do the rescuing. That became a turning point, and I began my quest for methods and techniques that would give me real empowerment.

So I started looking for keys that would help me produce more of the experience of life that I was looking for but hadn’t managed to secure.

Cover of Do You Have a Dream by Grace Allison

The book that saved its author’s life

There are countless techniques out there, and it felt like I must have tested most of them. Some worked for me, most didn’t. Eventually I was able to distil them down to a manageable set, and I really worked them.
What I learned from applying these simple keys was how to align myself with the presence of Spirit within and become aware of the illusion of need that produces unproductive thought forms and negative energies. Once I had done that, I saw how to release the illusion and fill the need to receive all good things. I discovered that the change that happens within does not have to be a struggle; rather it can be created with ease, and grace.

For the first time in my life, I felt safe.

The end result of that adventure was my first book, A Dream Is a Wish the Heart Makes: Or, if at first you don’t succeed, change the rules.

Ten years later the updated Dream Book is now available with a new title, Do You Have a Dream? 5 Keys to Realizing Your Dream, and is available in an ebook, workbook and an audiobook narrated by the author.

My Second Book

Cover of Einstein's compass

Second book now in progress

Over the course of my adult life, I also became a serious student of the spiritual. I found that, often, psychological principles and practices were incomplete, but could be filled out by adding the missing spiritual. It was through immersing myself in this field of study and experience that I came up with my idea for my second book, Einstein’s Compass, currently in progress.

By applying and refining the principles that ended up in my books, I transformed from a victim of life to a successful entrepreneur, providing coaching on lifeskills and business success practices. I also developed a health/nutritional counseling practice, and entered into a happy, successful marriage with a partner instead of a protector.

Now, rather than needing to be rescued I am able to take care of myself.

After having endured two unsuccessful marriages, I have created a loving, caring relationship with my husband. I have a financially comfortable lifestyle. My body at age 65 is healthy, youthful and strong. I am more creative in my life, writing, traveling and able to be of service, giving of myself to others. When challenges come my way, I have flexible boundaries to take care of myself and greater intuitive knowing and confidence in myself and of my environment.

What I have achieved, you can too. While it may not be easy, it is much more simple than I would ever have guessed.

OVER TO YOU Has writing what you write changed your life? Do you have an interesting personal story to tell about why you became an author? We’d love to hear about your experience. Join the conversation via the comments box.


Authors are Critical Stakeholders of Amazon

In my on-going investigation into the third party book sellers at Amazon I am sharing my communication with Martin Costa, Executive Customer Relations of Author Central https://authorcentral.amazon.com/

Dear Mr. Costa,
Thank you for your personal email address and openness to my conversation regarding the third party sellers for authors on Amazon’s Marketplace.
I love Amazon’s Marketplace with its many products I can purchase in one place.
The Marketplace works well for the customer who want to purchase anything you can imagine with multiple outlets to choose from.
However, I want to point out that not all businesses are well suited for a Marketplace concept. It works well for the consumer, who could pay less or equal to a price you offer but not for authors.
Royalties vary by source of the book to the final seller, e.g. Amazon KDP vs. Ingram wholesalers to the seller.
Authors are the content producers of books. Amazon KDP is a producer of written versions of books. Amazon is also the seller and therefore has two sources of income.
With a third party seller, the author content goes to the lowest bidder who produces the written books with a much lower royalty to the author and even less income to Amazon.
As my previous email mentioned, authored books are not like any other businesses. 
We authors are critical stakeholders within the Amazon experience. We create one of a kind products and have depended on Amazon to be the best source of our income. 
For example, my royalty for the Create Space KDP purchase was more than three times what I was making from the PBShop in England.
With other on-line bookstores competing for the KDP business Amazon loses as well.
I appreciate your considering that the larger Amazon Marketplace third party seller concept is not a good business practice for either Amazon or authors.
Grace Allison, Author 
Hello Ms. Allison,
Thank you for voicing your concerns; however, on May 27, 2017 and June 10, 2017, we discussed that we will not be reverting the changes to the buy boxes and allow third parties to compete for them. We will not discuss this matter any further or provide additional insight.
Boyd Thibodeaux
Executive Customer Relations
Author Central

The Good and Evil of Amazon.com

Since March 1, 2017, Amazon has changed its policy to allow third party sellers in its book division. When I wrote to Jeff Bezo’s at Amazon on May 27, 2017, I received this response from Amazon:

 Martin Costa, Executive Customer Relations  

Author Central https://authorcentral.amazon.com/ 

Thank you for your email. I understand you’d like to discuss this matter with Jeff Bezos, but regrettably, his schedule doesn’t allow him to answer directly, and my team responds on his behalf. We have seen that allowing third-party sellers to compete for buy box creates a better overall experience for customers around features they value, and we have recently extended this policy to print books. We appreciate your feedback and concerns around this change. If you have further comments or need to contact me directly, please email me at [email protected].
My last email, “Stakeholders” to Amazon’s Author Central has gone unanswered. My point was why Amazon is opening up to offer third-party sellers when they could make money as a Kindle Direct Printing as well as from authors.
I discovered I had to see the new third party policy from how the company makes more profits.
I have a friend who worked at Amazon in the warehouse pushing the carts around and filling orders. She said that Amazon could make more money by having third-party bookstores. The third party bookstores could sell more books in volume than we self-published authors could.
The big picture is that not only can a third-party seller sell books they can sell anything else in Amazon’s warehouse. For example, I could pay $39.99 a month and set up a professional account obtain a Buy Button on Amazon’s Marketplace and sell not only my book but any other book or product listed in Amazon’s warehouse. Amazon is responsible for fulfilling the orders. I do not have to provide the inventory for anything that Amazon offer.
From Amazon’s website: 
Since 2000, selling on Amazon has been helping individuals and businesses increase sales and reach new customers. Today, more than 40% of Amazon’s total unit sales come from third-party selection. All sellers can list products in more than 20 categories. Professional Sellers can apply to sell in at least 10 additional categories. If you plan to sell more than 40 items a month its $39.99/month + other selling fees. You plan to sell fewer than 40 items a month $0.99 per sale + other selling fees.
Therefore, the warehouse worker who pushed the cart down the warehouse aisle puts a copy of your book in the cart then adds toothpaste, skin care products, toilet paper, and a dress. If I am set-up to sell all those products through my third-party store I receive a profit from the sale minus the initial set-up fee and other charges.
A sale of my “Do You Have a Dream Workbook 5 Key to Realize Your Dream”, I discovered  I would make only $.69 if I allowed third-party sellers to sell my book on Amazon.
I found I could make $1.90 per book if I set-up my own bookstore. For on-line sales, as an indie author, I have set-up my bookstore through Ingram-Spark called Aer.io. It’s free to any Ingram author. I can sell my books as well as any other book that Ingram has in its inventory. On my website, www.gracethemystic.com I direct people to buy my book https://aerbook.com/store/ModernMysticMedia from my bookstore instead of Amazon’s bookstore. I make more money with selling my book. Moreover, I can sell any other book in my bookstore that Ingram carries. In addition, I can use the social media buttons provided by Aer.io to advertise the website or any book in my bookstore. I have complete control over the pricing and discounts of the books. Ingram provides the fulfillment, taxes and shipping.
In conclusion, authors and our books are just things not works of art that require special handling. Our books sit next to breakfast cereal or toothpaste.   I know my friend who was pushing carts in Amazon is now an author. She plans to have a Buy Button and become an Amazon Marketplace third party seller. Who knows maybe she will be selling your book next to hers with the toothpaste, breakfast cereal and dress.
I sent the above-mentioned email you just read to Mr. Costa on June 9, 2017:

June 10, 2017

Dear Grace,
We appreciate your feedback on our bookstore, and I want to assure you that your voice has been heard by our team. Feedback from our authors is always welcome as it’s fundamental to help us maintain a great experience for both customers and authors.
Thank you
Martin Costa
Executive Customer Relations
Author Central

If you have a situation that you want to address with Mr. Costa please make your comment/question here.

[Grace The Mystic, Award Winning Author] The Good and Evil of Amazon.com
Grace, it is wonderful that you have found someone to answer your questions and that you are passing it along to authors everywhere. Thank you for the information. An addition: authors often use Amazon’s Profile page as a place to be seen by their readers. It won’t fix the royalty problem, but if they are not using that feature, they should look into it. Here is my page as an example: http://bit.ly/CarolynsAmznProfile. your readers will find a lot more information on how to set up a profile page and what it can do for them in my multi award- winning book , #TheFrugalBookPromoter.

Jacqui Murray Review’s “Do You Have a Dream” Book

Grace Allison’s pithy little book, Do You Have a Dream? (ThinkAHA 2017) shares 140 ways to address change and come out better for it. It’s broken into ten sections like Do You Believe in God and Emotions — Energy in Motion so you can quickly focus on where you need help. Each tip is brief but rich with a section at the end where you can write items that you want to refer back to. With a focus on the spiritual and the positive, I found many that resonated with me. My favorites: What is the Value of Prayer? and Five Keys to Creating Your Dream.

The whole book takes only about twenty minutes to read. It’s called a ThinkAHA book because you think about the tip and later, after re-reading it, you get that epiphany. Recommended for those seeking solutions to recalcitrant problems in their lives.

Why I am writing Einstein’s Compass: a Novel of What If?

I have always thought of Einstein as a fascinating person. In reading about him, I discovered Einstein was a spiritual person whose father gave him a compass that sent him on his scientific journey. So I asked myself the what if question.

Since Einstein seemed to be a spiritual person on a quest to understand the universe, what if he was a modern mystic in his time?

MorEinsteinsCompass6eover, what if he had help from spiritual beings to understand the universe?

Through physics, he found his answers. My book of fiction follows his biographical history from age six to twenty-six and adds a new level of mystical spirituality that he had help from mystical beings who assisted him in his heroes’ journey and his miracle theory. Einstein believed that we have to go beyond what we can see and measure in the physical world. My book, “Einstein’s Compass” goes beyond what we know and adds a possible fictional explanation for how he came up with his miracle theory and changed the world.





The Book Pirates of Amazon

Imagine you give birth to a story that comes from the deepest part of yourself. The place where divine creativity resides. As a new parent your baby cries in the middle of the night as your characters keep you up while staring at the ceiling or show up in your dreams. The birthing process of your new creation could take more time than giving birth to an elephant. What keeps you going is the passion of your idea and how you just know people are waiting for your new book.

To make sure your child looks good, you create a jaw-dropping cover and have the story edited by professionals. And to protect your creation you have taken care to have your work copyrighted and registered at the Library of Congress.

Then comes the christening day when your bright, shiny newly minted child is published and comes out into the world. Where do you present your new work to the world? Well, on-line of course.

Most authors sell their books on Amazon.com because it is the biggest on-line bookstore. The behemoth of books provides an extensive inventory of books ranging from bargain books, children’s books, textbooks and digital books. Good for the book buyer however not so good for authors.

The Independent Book Sellers Association sent out an announcement recently, “If you are an Ingram, Create Space or any other print on demand service, Amazon is pushing down your “buy button” to the bottom of the “order the book” options list.

On March 1, 2017 Amazon enacted a policy that allows third-party sellers to compete for the Buy Box for books in new condition. Where books are concerned, the Default Buy Box has always belonged to publisher. When you buy a book, Amazon would pay the publisher 45% of the list price. This means your purchase is supporting the entity that published the book, namely the publisher, and authors are making a profit (albiet small) every time you buy because the publisher is paying an author a royalty on each sale.

Now Amazon is giving that priority spot to third-party sellers, relegating the publisher button to a far less favorable positon, below the landing page screen line, often last in a list of third-party sellers offering the book for a significantly lower cost in addition to free shipping.

The Independent Book Publishers Association (IBPA) believes Amazon’s policy change, allowing third-party sellers to compete for the Buy Box for books in “new condition,” hurts authors and publishers. Here’s why:


  • Amazon, once again, is attempting to drive down the value of books, and therefore intellectual property and creative work in general. Under the new policy, Amazon is rewarding the seller that conforms to its rules (“competitive pricing”) by granting them the coveted Buy Box. Often this means dropping the publisher listing, and it’s not unlikely that publisher listings may fall off the buy page completely—at Amazon’s discretion.
  • When a book is not obviously for sale by its publisher on Amazon, the author may not be making royalties. Although for now, it seems that publisher listings are on Amazon, it takes a savvy consumer to even understand what they’re buying—and most will go for the lowest cost item, especially if it’s in the coveted Buy Box position.


In all cases, the books sold on Amazon would not qualify as sales for the purposes of author royalties because they’ve already been sold or originally existed as promotional copies. And even for those third-party sellers buying books through wholesale channels, the question arises of how Amazon is measuring “new condition.”


If consumers don’t see the option to buy new, from the publisher, then Amazon is promoting piracy. Authors get nothing from used books because the consumer is buying something that’s already been bought and tracked as a sale. If this new policy takes hold for most backlist books, authors’ and publishers’ revenue will dry up, and more and more books are at risk of going out of print more quickly. Publishers will not be able to afford to keep books in print that are not selling on Amazon. So, this policy is essentially driving books to an earlier death—and thereby hurting authors.

Amazon suggests that one of the ways you can win the Buy Box is to keep books “in stock.”

This poses a major problem for self-published authors and any backlist author whose books are print-on-demand. Print-on-demand automatically means there’s no stock. The books are printed to order. If Amazon is penalizing books that are set up as POD titles and favoring third-party sellers who have stock due to any of the abovementioned means of procurement, authors will again be dinged when their own listing, or publisher listing, ranks low on the list of “Other Sellers on Amazon.” We can only suppose that Amazon will not penalize or remove books that are listed with CreateSpace—and as Amazon moves away from CreateSpace to consolidate its print and e-book self-publishing program onto Kindle, it will be interesting to note how often those books get the coveted Buy Box position for doing business with Amazon.


If indie publishers can’t get into bookstores and are being cut off at the knees by Amazon induced piracy, then the future is grim indeed. As a community of indie publishers, we should be very bothered by this new policy. Amazon is a mammoth player in the publishing space and it can do much to either help or hurt the publishing industry. Their new third party seller policy is potentially terrorizing, in that it is likely to result in publishers selling fewer copies and ultimately being forced to declare backlist books out of print.


My book, “Do You Have a Dream Workbook 5 Keys to Realize Your Dream” went on sale last week for $9.95. Today there are five third-party booksellers listed with a low price of $7.32. Where did they get the books to sell? I have not seen a sale to them. Maybe they are selling at a low cost to get you into their bookstore. All I know is that I will not see one penny from this book pirate. My hard work and money invested in raising my child has ripped from me, stolen. Now, what can an indie author like me do when they sell on Amazon?


Grace is a successful award-winning author, modern Christian mystic, wellness consultant, business development adviser, marketing coach and workshop facilitator. She has faced many life challenges, including a life-threatening disease, and used what she encountered as a stimulus to gain greater happiness and fulfillment. She lives in Lubbock, Texas, with her husband John Blair, and maintains a private health and success coaching practice.


Do You Have a Dream Workbook? 5 Keys to Realize Your Dream
by Ms. Grace Allison
Link: http://a.co/4muIa83


Grace Allison

4408 14 Street

Lubbock, Texas 79416


email: [email protected]

website: www.gracethemystic.com

[Grace The Mystic, Award Winning Author] The Book Pirates of Amazon
Amazon’s actions here are beyond shocking but unfortunately just the latest example of Amazon taking care of itself at everyone else’s expense. Authors and industry groups should resist this with all their might and work to find other, more profitable channels from which to sell books. Michele DeFilippo
[email protected]

Funk Soul Cafe Blogtalkradio Interview

GraceTheMystic Funk Soul Cafe Interview

The interview with Robert Batista the Funky Writer who conducted the interview covered my writing life and books, writing craft, book design, publishing and marketing.

Why do you call yourself a Modern Mystic?

First of all a mystic to me does not include astrology or tarot cards or living in a cave somewhere. Being a modern mystic means experiencing the transcendental love of God who has a job, a family and does community service. When challenges in life come up, I have learned to go inside to the spiritual heart, which is inside everyone and through spiritual exercises and meditation, I have learned how to direct my life in a more positive direction using wisdom and discernment.How did you decide to write your first award winning spiritual non-fiction book, “ A Dream is a Wish the Heart Makes”?

In 1989 I began writing my book, “A Dream is a Wish the Heart Makes, or if at first you don’t succeed, change the rules” after I was diagnosed with cervical cancer.

The night after receiving the diagnosis I called in the Light and found myself touching the hem of Jesus’s cloak. I knew I would be healed from this life-threatening disease because of my faith in God, and Jesus Christ. The night before surgery I sat in my bed seeing the doctors and myself in loving light. While deep in meditation and prayer I was lifted out of my body into a ball of pure love and light. The next day after a hysterectomy when the biopsies came back there was no cancer.

But, without hormones, my body began to change. I had no energy I lost my high-pressure sales job and felt depressed. My life priorities became to take care of myself. Then I asked myself, if I had all the health and energy possible what would I be doing with my life? I began to write and clear old mental, emotional and unconscious habits with forgiveness and compassion. Each day for the next 30 days, I wrote my intentions to receive with an open heart.

I wanted to make a difference assisting others who could be experiencing life challenges. I became licensed as a hair analysis specialist using diet, supplements and my new techniques of intention to create a better life.  In the twenty-five years serving as a health and wellness coach I have assisted hundreds in creating healthier, happier lives

 Why did you write your second award-winning book, “Do You Have a Dream?”

Since my first book and working with many people over the years I wanted to update the information. I found there are 5 Keys to the change process. Within those 5 keys came 140 insights into creating a new direction. “Do You Have a Dream” is an E Book and an audio book in my voice. In a few weeks, there will be the 5 Key Do You Have a Dream Workbook. The softcover will be available with the E Book and audio-book in the on-line bookstores. In “The 5 Key Do You Have a Dream Workbook”, you will discover how to:

Key 1 – Write your dream.

Key 2 – Align your body, mind and soul.

Key 3 –  Forgive.

Key 4 – Affirm who you are

Key 5 – For the next thirty days’ practice writing and realizing your dream.

 I understand you are writing a new science-fiction thriller, “Einstein’s Compass: a Novel of What If”. Tell us about that. Why write this book?

I have always thought of Einstein as a fascinating person. In reading about him, I discovered Einstein was a spiritual person whose father gave him a compass that sent him on his scientific journey. So I asked myself the what if question.

Since Einstein seemed to be a spiritual person on a quest to understand the universe, what if he was a modern mystic in his time?

Moreover, what if he had help from spiritual beings to understand the universe?

Through physics, he found his answers. My book of fiction follows his biographical history from age six to twenty-six and adds a new level of mystical spirituality that he had help from mystical beings who assisted him in his heroes’ journey and his miracle theory. Einstein believed that we have to go beyond what we can see and measure in the physical world. My book, “Einstein’s Compass” goes beyond what we know and adds a possible fictional explanation for how he came up with his miracle theory and changed the world.

The reason I am sharing about my new book of fiction is that you can follow the new book chapters on Bublish.com. Einstein’s Compass Book on Bublish you will find book bubbles of chapters of the upcoming book. Over 35,000 people have read the book bubbles on social media since last summer.

Who is your co-author Laren Bright? Laren is an Emmy nominated award-winning writer.

Laren and I have been friends for more than forty years. We met in Miami, Florida. Over the years of meeting at spiritual seminars through “The Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness” we are writing “Einstein’s Compass: a Novel of What If” which we plan to release later in 2017.

What is your next novel about?

Laren and I are considering a “What If” series. We could start with a person or an event that is well known to a wide range of people and ask What If?

“Do You Have a Dream?” Wins 2017 Texas Authors, Inc. 2017 Book Award

Grace Allison, Author

Wins Best Spiritual & Inspirational Book Award

“Do You Have a Dream?  140 Insights to Building Confidence, Overcoming Stress & Loving Yourself”

By: Grace Allison, Author www.gracethemystic.com

 Celebration of Texas Authors Dinner Gala

Since 2012, Texas Authors, Inc., has held a dinner to honor the award winners from their annual book contest. At first, the dinners were held in small comfortable restaurants, but have grown to a nice gala with close to 100 people attending.

The 2017 gala for book winners is expected to be one of the largest dinners yet for Texas Authors, with over 40 book award winners invited to attend. As with the past two years, the dinner is also a fundraiser for DEAR Texas Literacy programs and for the Texas Authors Institute of History Museum. A reception will kick off the evening where the winning authors will be able to take pictures with family and friends.

A dinner will follow, which will include a wonderful meal that the committee has selected from the North Marriott’s fine line of delicious foods. Many of the meals have already been tested by Alan personally to help choose only the finest selection for the attendees.

With last year setting the new standard, a guest speaker will be introduced following the awards ceremony for the authors. Those interested in staying for the presentation will receive valuable information about marketing their book(s).

With each passing year, Texas Authors has continued to grow and create a wonderful event to celebrate the art of writing and being published. This year’s event will be no exception!

Do You Have a Dream?

140 Insights to Building Confidence, Overcoming Stress & Loving Yourself

By: Grace Allison, Author www.gracethemystic.com

Synopsis of the Book:

According to Heraclitus of Ephesus, an ancient Greek philosopher who lived for about a decade before Plato, ‘The only thing that’s constant is change. Whether we are ready or not, change is bound to happen. It impacts all of us at some point in our lives. So why is change important and how should we handle it?

Grace Allison @gracethemystic, a self-help and motivational author, shares important keys on how to understand, redefine, and accept change. Do You Have a Dream? is an inspiring book comprised of 140 bite-sized quotes that inform us how to refer change as an important factor that can help us move forward in life instead of holding ourselves back. Grace has explicitly empowered readers to accept or make changes the safest and easiest way possible. She also points out that if these keys are substantially followed, they’ll bring great results in 30 days!

‘As humans, we are constantly evolving and thinking of some effective ways to make our lives more meaningful and improved. That’s why we need to welcome change whenever or wherever possible. Do You Have a Dream? is one, true exceptional guide on how we can become the thought leader or driving force for those changes that we need, says Mitchell Levy @happyabout, the AHA Guy at AHAthat (http://ahathat.com).

If we don’t try different things, we are depriving ourselves from growing, improving, and finding true happiness or accomplishment. Whether you’ve done something wrong in the past, seeking a job transition, planning to discover things outside your comfort zone, or just simply wanting to try something new, then this book is just right for you.

Here are some of the encouraging messages that you can sharefrom this book:

– Fear is challenging each person to awaken to their loving inside. Let go and say, “Yes” to life, not “No.” @gracethemystic #love

– To change & direct ourselves takes a clear & strong intention. Like computers, we are programmed to be what we are. @gracethemystic #dreams

– Change does not have to be hard or scary. Create your own ten acres in your Garden of Eden from a sacred place of “I AM.” @gracethemystic

– Negative thoughts keep you from having what you longed for; the more you desire, the greater the resistance. @gracethemystic #love #God

– Feelings tell us how we are doing, what matters to us, what needs changing, what is going well, and what is goi badly. @gracethemystic

When is the last time you took a risk, challenged yourself, or even diverged from your day-to-day routine? To make improvements, you’ll need to make changes. But before that, you have to consider first why change happens so you’ll produce the kind of innovations you want.

Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/You-Have-Dream-Confidence-Overcoming-ebook/dp/B01MYMN7NL
Audible: https://www.amazon.com/You-Have-Dream-Confidence-Overcoming/dp/B01MS0BY72

 Texas Authors, Inc. Book Store:

https://books.txauthors.com/product-140 Insights to Building Confidence, Overcoming Stress & Loving Yourselfp/gadyhd.htm


Texas Assoc. of Authors
Bringing Texas to the World

Texas Association of Authors is the only organization in Texas whose focus is to promote the authors within the great state of Texas itself. Texas Authors leverages the knowledge and expertise of many different authors to help promote others within the world of reading and writing.

Based in Austin, Texas, Texas Authors strives to provide a great service to all of its clients, publishing houses, and readers.

As a non-profit organization, Texas Authors relies on strong relationships from individuals, other non-profit organizations, and publishing companies to help establish a presence in both local and statewide events.

Utilizing technology, social media, and knowledge, Texas Authors allows for the promotion of the individual within a highly competitive world filled with writers who are backed by resources from other firms.

Website: https://texasauthorsinc.wildapricot.org/join-us

Why Courage and Creativity are important when Change happens

In 2003, the real estate market across our country was hot. I sold thirty homes in one year. By 2006, the bubble burst, unemployment was 10%. I was homeless, jobless, and penniless. What was I to do?

I wrote in my journal on December 23, 2006 “Almost noon staying with my friend Sandi and Tony De Veau, dog sitting Taska and Annie. So wonderful to have this haven of safety and love to rest” Sandi offered me a bedroom in her home until my life turned around.

On December 27, 2006 in my journal I began to draw a mind map, a diagram used to organize information, on the top of the page “Make a Difference”, stuff I am receiving to have, do or be.

Instead of creating from fear, I choose to walk in faith and dream. In 1989 I began writing my book, “A Dream is a Wish the Heart Makes, or if at first you don’t succeed, change the rules” when I was diagnosed with cervical cancer.

The night after receiving the diagnosis I called in the Light and found myself touching the hem of Jesus’s cloak. I knew I would be healed from this life-threatening disease because of my faith in God, and Jesus Christ. The night before surgery I sat in my bed seeing the doctors and myself in loving. Deep in meditation and prayer I was lifted out of my body into a ball of pure love and light. The next day when the biopsies came back there was no cancer.

Without hormones, my body began to change. I had no energy and felt depressed. My life priorities became take care of yourself first, so you can take care of others.

Then I asked myself, if I had all the health and energy possible what would I be doing with my life? With more light, prayers and the Intention of feeling better I found hair analysis. Within a few months of participating in the body balancing program, my health and life turned around.

I wanted to make a difference assisting others who could be experiencing life challenges. I became licensed as a hair analysis specialist using diet, supplements and my new techniques of intention to create a better life.  In the twenty-five years serving as a health and wellness coach I have assisted hundreds in creating healthier, happier lives.


In 2006 when my next life crisis of being jobless, homeless and penniless appeared I turned to the Traveler and my book, “A Dream is a Wish the Heart Makes, or if at first you don’t succeed, change the rules”, published in 2004. Let us see if the 5-step process in the book, works.

To get a higher perspective I called in the Light of God and asked The Christ Light that was within me to assist me in my life direction. Stepping into living love of the Mystical Traveler is like having a flashlight in the darkness of the soul.


Next, I drew the inner circle and wrote confidence and courage visions of joy 2007 manifest now. I began to listen to my inspired thoughts, and wrote an affordable home, job, abundance.


When I had almost finished I wondered, what if I had a big goal, something gigantic. My heart started beating fast, I got so excited, what if I could manifest being in Oprah’s Book Club audience?


I took out my Dream book and began clearing the way to receive my goals. Each day for the next 30 days, I wrote my intentions.


The magic of intentions on the imperfect circumstances of chaos, to expand in an imagined restricted or resistant area, expand the rubber band of thought and imagination with enthusiasm, and make the changes easy, pleasurable, safe and most of all fun. After all, who made the rule that change had to be hard?


My first goal, February 1, 2007 I created a job in property management at a commercial building. By the end of March, I moved into an apartment near White Rock Lake. Since moving to Dallas in 1986, I had always wanted to live near the lake. The young woman who lived in my new apartment had to leave suddenly. I told her I had no furniture. She gave me her sofa and love seat. I was able to get her lease rate, well below the going rent.


When I had my cable and internet, service turned on I began to participate on the Oprah Book Club website. The book in discussion was, “Pillars of the Earth” by Ken Follett.

I love historical fiction. Ken’s book of building medieval cathedrals by ordinary people was exciting to read. The reading guidelines on Oprah’s website gave me a deeper perspective of how the story developed the characters and plot twists. I looked forward to each step of the story and sharing my point of view on the Oprah book club website.


Then in early December of 2007, I received a telephone call from one of the producers at Oprah. Would I be interested in being in the audience with Ken Follett and his book “Pillars of the Earth” at the end of January 2008? I discovered I would have to pay for the trip to Chicago, I said no I could not afford to go.


I called my younger brother Allan who lived in New Hampshire and told him about my invitation. He was so excited for me and told me to call the Oprah people back that he would pay for the trip.


The next day I was able to contact the producer who gave me the day, time, and instructions on where to find the studio.


What if I could get on national television, maybe ask an important question, one that no one had discovered?


On Ken Follett’s website, I found two special projects that involved literacy and I knew literacy was also important to Oprah. I began to see myself in the Oprah audience raising my hand and asking Ken Follett the important questions.


My brother Allan was as excited as I was when we arrived in wintry cold Chicago at the end of January 2008. Unfortunately, Allan was unable to accompany me to the show taping.


Before the taping, Oprah’s cheerleaders came out to explain what we could expect. Then the show started. I listened carefully to Ken and Oprah talk about the book.

The interview with Mr. Follett took almost all day. There were one or two questions during the interview but none touched on the information I knew. It was the last two minutes and Oprah asked if there was anyone in the audience that had a question. Hands from everywhere flew up.  I raised my hand, and Oprah called on me.


I have attached a link to the video of my short appearance on Oprah’s Book Club.


The change in my life from a life threatening illness to wellness with a purpose was a testament to my years of walking the spiritual path.


With the loving light in my heart I went from being homeless, jobless, and penniless experiencing the biggest dream I could have ever imagined.


I am sure I have received my dreams in my life while digging deeply into the spring of love inspired by the Mystical Traveler Consciousness which I drew upon when writing,

“A Dream is a Wish the Heart Makes or if at first you don’t succeed, change the rules.”


https://youtu.be/W6W4AEjQomo Oprah U-Tube Video


My book, “A Dream is a Wish the Heart Makes” has been updated

“Do You Have a Dream? 140 Insights to Building Confidence,

Overcoming Stress & Loving Yourself”




Contact for interviews, individual or group workshops:

Grace Allison, Author

4408 14 Street

Lubbock, Texas 79416



Email: [email protected]